

Twitter Developersの登録で詰まった話

ホームページを作る必要性が出てきたので、とりあえずtwitter系のなんか表示とかで使うよね?ってことで久しぶりにTwitter Developersのページにいってみるとなんだか使用目的とかいろいろ英語で送らないといけないかんじになってた。最低300文字は書けよ、などと親切にも文字数の制約が。昔はそんなのなくて手軽にTwitter API使えたのになあ...


Application under review.


We’ve received your request for API access and are in the process of reviewing it.

Be sure to watch this email address over the coming days, as we may request more information to facilitate the review process (be sure to check your spam folder as well).

We know that this application process delays getting started with Twitter’s APIs. This information helps us protect our platform and serve the health of the public conversation on Twitter. It also informs product investments and helps us better support our developer community. For more information about our policies please see our Terms of Serviceand our Developer Terms.

You’ll receive an email when the review is complete.

In the meantime, check out our documentation, explore our tutorials, or check out our community forums.


Thanks for applying for access!


In order to complete our review of your application, we need additional information about your use case. The most common types of information that can help expedite our review include:


  • The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs

  • If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct and the methods or techniques

  • If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you will interact with Twitter users or their content

  • If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how and where Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed to users of your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level or aggregated


To provide this information to Twitter, reply to this email.


Thank you for your interest in building on Twitter.


ダメらしい。まあ想定はしてた。TOEFLitpスコア450の英語力が火を吹くぜ〜*1という感じで以下の文を送信。business purposeって商用利用のことか?とか思って最後に適当に文を追加したりした。

My purpose is to learn programing (mainly JavaScript, PHP and Python) with Twitter API. For example, I will display the count down of a test day at my own username, and get the images included in my tweet and in search results of specific words and show them in my webpage. Former:I need Twitter API when changing username automatically, and run such a program using IaaS. Latter:I need Twitter API when getting images included tweets using JavaScript and PHP. I intend to use them personally, not commercially.


Thank you for your response.

At this time, we still do not have enough specific information about your intended use case to complete review of your application. As a reminder, we previously requested additional information about:

  • The core use case, intent, or business purpose for your use of the Twitter APIs

    • Note that “business purpose” in this context includes uses not necessarily connected to a commercial business. We require information about the problem, user story, or overall goal your use of Twitter content is intended to address.

    • If you are a student, learning to code, or just getting started with the Twitter APIs, please provide details about potential projects or areas of focus.

  • If you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content, share details about the analyses you plan to conduct and the methods or techniques

    • Note that “analyze” in this context includes any form of processing performed on Twitter content. Please provide as detailed and exhaustive an explanation as possible of your intended use case.

  • If your use involves Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content, share how you will interact with Twitter users or their content.

  • If you’ll display Twitter content off of Twitter, explain how and where Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed to users of your product or service, including whether Tweets and Twitter content will be displayed at row level or aggregated

    • Where possible, please share links to illustrations and/or sample work products. Note that we can’t view attachments.

To provide this information to Twitter, reply to this email. Failure to provide the necessary information will result in the rejection of your application.

Thank you for your interest in building on Twitter.




I have learned html, css, javascript, php and python. I have my own webpage(pota.xyz/top).I will improve my programing skill about such programming languages with using Twitter API. I will make the programs as follows:

  1. I will display the count down of a test day at my own username.
  2. I will get the images included in my tweet and in search results of specific words and show them in my webpage(pota.xyz/top). 

This is my purpose of using Twitter API. The concrete method is as follows:

  1. I will use python and run the program in Iaas(Google App Engine). I will get my user information by “GET users/show” and change my username automatically every 24 hours by “POST account/update_profile.”
  2. I will use javascript,php and python and run the program in my website(pota.xyz/top). I will show the images like the part of Top and Graffities of my websites(pota.xyz/top).I will use Standard search API. I will get images only include each tweets, not use the text of them.

I showed my purpose and the way of using Twitter API. I would appreciate it if you could approve my request.


Your Twitter developer account application has been approved!

Thanks for applying for access. We’ve completed our review of your application, and are excited to share that your request has been approved.

Sign in to your developer account to get started.

Thanks for building on Twitter!


